Cloud 9 Launch Site ( SAHPA registered site)
Sedgeview is a great site that works most days & some days it can really be strong thermic conditions. The site is controlled by the owner and all pilots must pay the fees before flying .
Its one of the best sites for Tandem flights in South Africa and is centrally situated in the Garden Route not far from Knysna .
Very good site for training we use it for thermic training on our Basic license course. Pay at the Shell garage in Sedgefield .
Max 1400 m ASL
Do not fly past the Pine trees 1.5 km to the West as the residents have objected to low flying Paragliders.
Parking space at take-off is limited, so please double up where possible.
Do not scratch close to the tree as it can become quite turbulent.
Watch out for sudden increases in wind speed.
Before attempting any Cross Country flights make sure that you have a designated recovery driver.
Read signboard
Contact: Deon 072 1990622