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Hospice Charity Work

We encourage all adventurers to give to those that in need , support a worthy cause and take part in uplifting your community .


Sedgefield Fund Raiser - Mary McGregor

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082 827 6168






Dolphin Paragliding





Hi Deon


I am writing to thank you so much for the voucher for a flight with

Dolphin Paragliding, that we auctioned at our fund raising function

in Sedgefield last Saturday.


We were able to raise an amazing R55 000 at this event and we really

appreciate your support which enables us to carry out our specialized

service of care for the terminally ill members of our local Community,

entirely free of charge.


Many thanks and kind regards






Trip Advisor

Trip Advisor 2017 - Certificate of Excellence Award

Trip Advisor 2018 - Certificate of Excellence Award

Trip Advisor 2019 - Certificate of Excellence Award

For the last three years we have won a Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence Award, learn more

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